Monthly Archives: February 2015

becoming a Data Scientist — more resources online

The online world is exploding with tutorials, how-to manuals and free resources to help you get into the world of Data Science. In the last 5 months I have seen the addition of so many new MOOCs – looks like every university wants to make sure they don’t get left behind. But this is great news for the consumers- most of these programs are pretty darn good!

Newer offerings on Coursera, Udacity and EdX:                                                                                         In addition to JHU’s Data Science Specialization, here is a partial list of more “data related” specializations (which typically consist of 4-10 courses followed by a project) ie “mini degrees ” you can rack up. Coursera offers “Specializations“, Udacity offers “Nanodegrees” and EdX offers “XSeries“:

Also a  host of new short “paid” programs have sprung up. theses are typically 6-12 week long bootcamps. They typically range between $10,000-$15,000 and can be competitive to get in.

Here is a link to a bootcamp finder in the city of your choice for a price that works for you! And here is another link great link List of data sciencebootcamps

The Data Science Apprenticeship is free, and another way to go. They have  a really nice comprehensive list of Data Science Resources and a cool cheatsheet.